

Release log

1.0.0-beta.5 ( Major Release )

25th June, 2024

✨ Web Search, Image Upload & Linux Support is here!

  • Experimental web search is here, you can submit a link as well as perform a duckduckgo search.
  • Linux support is here, although the logo of llocal is not visible but the functionalities work just as on the other platforms.
  • The auto-install of Ollama works only on debian distros. (Atleast only tested on debian systems)
  • Image Upload is now available to be utilized by supported vision models (More Information Here)

🌊 What's Changed

  • Copy code block is now available with Syntax Highlight for almost every language out there (with the atom theme haha)!
  • Tabular format support is here.
  • Stop Generating button is here, although the position is debatable.
  • Fixed changing chats while streaming, now you can only switch between chats when the text is not streaming.
  • More button (+) in the input for text, which allows to toggle on and off web search aswell as supports images.

❄️ Web Search (More information)

  • Web search toggle, has two inbuilt modes a webscraper mode aswell as a duckduckgo search.
  • Web scraper : You can simply paste a link in the prompt along with your query and llocal will handle the rest. (Eg. What are the 3 endings in Sekiro? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sekiro:_Shadows_Die_Twice )
  • Web search : This performs a web search, based on a prompt. It returns the top 10 results and a very small summary of each result from the duckduckgo api.

⚡ New Contributors

Full Changelog: https://github.com/kartikm7/llocal/compare/v1.0.0-beta.4...v1.0.0-beta.5

1.0.0-beta.4 ( Major Release )

20th June, 2024

Official Mac Support

  • Mac support is here. This has been one of the major goals for the project.
  • Ollama, can be downloaded and prompted to be installed if detected as not installed.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: https://github.com/kartikm7/llocal/compare/v1.0.0-beta.2...v1.0.0-beta.4


27th June, 2024


  • This version was not documented (I was still figuring it out)



Functional Features

  • Auto-updater



Functional Features

  • Ollama auto-downloader
  • Ollama auto-installer

User experience features

  • New logo (I think it might just count as a feature)



Functional Features

  • Ollama support (both, pulling models and chatting)
  • Local data storage (no cloud connectivity)
  • Chat streaming
  • Support to switch between models

UX Features:

  • Theming options ( across 5 themes)
  • Dark mode and light mode support

Note: It is still in a pre-release phase, so all features might not work as intended.